Sunday, May 31, 2009
You guys are so lucky.
Well, holidays literally and obviously sucks for me, and I think also for some of them in the classroom, because we are in love with our people. Not that love la, but they just make us laugh, and make us from sad until smile. Anyway, one week hols, no KBSM 2 scenes. Haih, I honeslty miss them. Our KBSM 2 mission is to make teachers angry. Well, we achieve the mission everyday, and every single minute. But, the school mission, 'A United World at Peace Through Education' doesn't apply for us. As you see, on those KBSM 2 scenes, missing it for one whole week, like loosing our family, damn sad right? You guys might think, 'Eeee, don't go and friend with these KBSM 2 people, they all sure mental one, hate hols, love their class'. But I can proudly tell you guys, 'NO, WE ARE NOT MENTAL, NOT IDIOTS EITHER'. As I mention above, we are like a family. I, will stop syaing, 'STAND, GOOD MORNING BLA BLA BLA'. After one week of no yelling, sure when the school reopens, got salt throat geh. HAHA...
Holidays :)
Friday, May 29, 2009
Going to Madam Pang's house on Tuesday. Wonder. O.o
Thursday, May 28, 2009
An Idiotic Gay person :)
Today, I am gonna blog about "someone" who's really gay. Lets call this someone John Doe.
It was a lovely day on a Tuesday afternoon. Everyone in class went crazy, as usual. It was during one class which we all dislike. John Doe is a funny person, full of funny plus sarcastic jokes. John Doe is also very kind and understand plus John Doe gives good advices. We all like John Doe for that. But.. John Doe is also VERY ULTRA SUPER mean on the other hand. John Doe is also quite sensitive and has a super HOT FLUSH. That completely destroyed John Doe goodness in him/herself.
It was a good day and John Doe was in a good mood, I suppose. We were all talking and laughing. Nearing the end of the 50 minutes moment, John Doe asked us to help him/her with something. We all agreed but John Doe doesn't allow me to help. John Doe said "Uh.. except for Jessie.. I need people to help me with "something" " Then I asked "Why?" John Doe answered meanly "I don't want you to be there as I don't wanna see your face." I was like "Oh.. Okay?" Then John Doe asked the WHOLE class except me.. John Doe was like "Pearlly?.. Emily?.. Michael?... Ryan?.. Wesley..?(etc.)" Then when it was my turn, John Doe said "Jessie.. NO!" I didn't even get to answer. My point is.....
WHERE THE FUCKING HELL IN GOD'S NAME IS MY FREEDOM OF CHOICE??? YOU KNOW, I NEARLY WANNA GO UP THERE AND ASKED JOHN DOE "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM MAN??? DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH ME?????? NEGLECTING ME ALL THE TIME!! AM I YOUR FREAKING FUCKING DOG????" I know John Doe hates me sooooo much.. I obviously don't hate John Doe because he/she has been kinda nice to me outside the walls of KBSM 2. Well, do you guys find this unfair? Should a human treat another human like this?? No right? I was fucking pissed, I swear. You should see the way John Doe react and answered me back. I was like "Okay.. Fine.. I am not angry.. I respect.." And gave a "smile". AHHHHHHH!!! GO TO HELL MAN JOHN DOE.
p/s : If you guys wanna know who is "John Doe", kindly ask me. Thanks and cheers.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
KBSM 2 SCENES - art lesson.
Stanne returns to the art room with his wau example he printed.
Stanne : Presenting, 2009's most beautiful wau by Jimmy Choo.
Class laughs with Mrs Chooi. Stanne shows us his wau.
Mrs Chooi : It's so small. Mines is bigger!
Stanne : But, but, but.
Class interupts and says a line from the choral speaking script.
Stanne : This design is nicer than yours.
Mrs Chooi : This one over here is to show symmetry of diamonds la.
Stanne : Oh.
Class laughs.
Mrs Chooi asked us to design a wau.
Mrs Chooi : You all can use computer. But, I can detect if you just copy and paste it.
Stanne : Cut and paste also can.
Class laughs.
Stanne : And then click "select as desktop background".
Class laughs.
Mrs Chooi shows us a few wau examples she printed from the internet.
Mrs Chooi : I know it's a bit small but I couldn't find bigger ones.
Michael : Click "wallpaper" la. Got bigger one.
Mrs Chooi : You all are the IT people. I'm very old fashioned. I'm not good in computers.
Michael : It's ET, not IT.
Mrs Chooi just finished explaining about how to do the wau.
Mrs Chooi : So, all can do?
Class : Yes.
Mrs Chooi : Can design?
Class : Yes.
Wesley : Teacher, teacher, um, only do one quarter?
Mrs Chooi gives him a sarcastic look, sighs, and then explains what we have to do.
Mrs Chooi : Michael, you're not suppose to look at the back.
Michael : There, Nicole also.
Nicole turns to face the front.
Mrs Chooi : Where's your teacher? Look infront.
Collin : Look at that bird in the sky!
For those of you who don't know what's so funny about this, the line "Look at that bird in the sky" is a line from the choral speaking script.
Pui Teng unties her hair.
Stanne : Wah, Pui Teng, so nice hair.
Stanne was being sarcastic.
Pui Teng : I'm tying it back la.
Pui Teng replied him with her typical sarcastic look,
Stanne : Pui Teng, le ho leng.
It means "you're very pretty" in chinese.
Pui Teng: Harh?
Stanne : Le ho leng, ngo oi lei, ting yat ngo oi lei.
It means "you're very pretty, I want you, tomorrow I want you".
I know my chinese is not good but just bare with it :)
And Stanne was just bullying Pui Teng. We do that to her all the time ;)
This just shows how blurr Pui Teng is. XD
Inbba and Sofia Loh returns to the art room.
Sofia gave Mrs Chooi a paper.
Mrs Chooi reads it out.
Mrs Chooi : Kindly excuse Inbba and Sofia, they were with me.
Stanne : Wah, so special, with "me" worh.
Mrs Chooi : With me doing the choral speaking script.
For those of you who don't understand or think I'm really weird to write this out, the "me" is Mr Louis. And actually if you were here to experience it, it's really funny ;)
Mrs Chooi was talking about parents evening.
Mrs Chooi : When your father or mother come, I will show them your book. Then, they can see what you all have done during art lesson.
Stanne : Nevermind la. My father not coming.
Class laughs.
Someone : Too bad.
Well, that's all for now people. Hope you guys understand it =)
Mrs Chooi, I am Michael Loo. =.="
Scene 1(during English class)
Ms Nurull: but, but, but.....
KBSM 2: [the choral speaking script], but, but, but...wait a minute, here comes Malaysia's bullet train, Malaysia's dashing striker. [LAUGHS]
Ms Nurull: [She laughed until she almost cried]. Haiiyoh, you all arh. [Laughs again].
* Kum Moon went to Ms Nurull and sat with her, because he don't know how to write the essay. So, he needs Ms Nurull to guide him.
Scene 2(during English class)
Collin: Ms Nurull, your place like coffee shop la, but too bad no coffee
Ms Nurull: Shut up, Collin [she was kidding anyway]. lol
Scene 3(during English class)
Michael: Eh, Jessie remember Night at the Museum 2
Jessie: Oh yea.
Michael: Remember the lil' guy in the grass screming AHHHHH i am coming and when we look at the grass, there's nothing. And remember, that he sat on the squirrel and thought that was the biggest thing on earth?
Ms Nurull: [Almost cried].(Because Ms Nurull also watch the movie already, so she remembered the joke)
OK, TODAY, 27/05/2009. I owned a new name.=.="
Mrs Chooi, went to Aussie, Melbourne for two weeks. She came back to Ipoh safely. Luckily. LOL. So, today, quite good mood. Then, she announced our art marks. And Bla, bla , bla. Oh yea, before that, Cik Maznah and came in and asked Mrs Chooi, 'ART CLASS ARH?'. Then Mrs Chooi say, ' Yes'. Then, Wesley say, 'NO ARH, SWIMMING CLASS.=.=.'. LOL. I laughed like hell. Not the whole class heard, but I did because I was right in front of Wesley. Ok, then after Ming Wey was my name. Guess how she called my name?ZI CHENG. WTF?NO ONE CALLS ME THAT. They call me either Michael or Loo Zi. HER ASS LA. Idiot. Then, I say, no one calls me that name. Then she say, tell your father it is not your name. Common, again, no one calls me ZI CHENG. ASS HOLE. And, it is my name, I know better than you okay? Don't try and argue my name with me. Other things, about art, I won't argue with you, BUT WHEN IT COMES TO MY NAME, I WILL BECAUSE I KNOW MY NAME BETTER THAN YOU? Mrs Chooi, I want to ask you one question, if I call you, 'CHEW IN', will you like it? As I can answer, you won't like it. And, I dont think anyone on earth will call you this right?=.=".
6.39 pm
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
26 MAY 2009.
KBSM 2 SCENES - english lesson.
Ms Nurull was saying something about being the female version of Merlin. For those of you who have never heard of Merlin, it's a show about some magic stuff. Then someone said, "Oh Merlin, the monkey ears!". Then the back row people laughed so hard until the others stared at us like we were so friggin' weird.
Ms Nurull : Who said something funny?
Jessie looks at me and laughs.
Sofia Loh : Eh Pearlly, say it's Nicole.
Ms Nurull : Pearlly or Nicole, spill it or else the whole class is going to stand until 3.20pm
Then the whole class turned to look at us.
Luckily, Ms Nurull meant it as a joke :D
Kum Moon : Ms Nurull, your lips is bleeding.
Ms Nurull : If anything happens, send me to the nearest hospital.
Kum Moon : I know, Ipoh Specialist Hospital!
Ms Nurull : [shocked expression] I have no money!
Collin : Don't worry, my mother can give you discount.
Then the whole class laughed :)
Collin : Ms Nurull, have you watched Spiderman 5?
Jessie : [ laughs her annoying laughter ] Haven't even come out la.
Well, actually the whole class laughed at that time.
Ms Nurull : I like how Jessie laughs. So innocent, so natural.
Sofia Loh : It is so annoying.
Wesley : Like having asthma.
Monday, May 25, 2009
KBSM 2(2009) PEOPLE!!!!!!!! BLOG HERE MAN. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?! MICHAEL! I THOUGHT YOU GOT A LOT OF GRANDMOTHER STORIES TO TELL???? Today English lesson was fun right, Michael? Hahaha. We didn't complete our work because we were busy laughing and talking about Night At The Museum 2. Whacky cool, lol.
Gossshhhh. I am so fricking bored man. Grey's Anatomy season 5 has finished filming!!! :( I need to wait for a month more for season 6 to come out. Goshhhhhh. I can die within that 1 month. Gosssshhhhh. GREY'S ANATOMYYYYYYY IS LOVE <33
And before I forget, I'd like to take credit for the absolutely brillian editing of the LINKS. Actually, Michael started to link some of them, and then I added more and also edited their names. Lols. I know this blog is short but there are just a few things I'd like to say to our dearest Sofia Emily. I'd wish her to enjoy her 3 months over at America and that she won't migrate, God forbid. Lol. It's just a figure of speech :) But in Jessie's point of view, it's pretty much boring in KBSM 2 without Sofia Emily around, which I'd have to fully agree on. Moving on, this is for my prince, and if you guys are fed-up of hearing or reading me crap about my prince, then just ignore the next few sentences but for those of you who have a good heart, please just continue reading :) Actually, I've deleted the last few sentences here seeing as I'm not a useless pathetic emo shit like I was a few weeks back. Well, at least that's what Michael said. The point is, this post has been edited. Get it? Lol.
And lastly I'd like to add, I'm in a really good mood lately. So, don't spoil my mood (: hahas.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
School days WITH us :)
Production is coming around the corner. We're gonna dance to a song titled Voulez Vous by the cast of Mamamia :D Gonna be so interesting... Things get more fun with our teacher advisor which is Madam Pang Yit Yoon.
Quote created by our class teacher, Madam Pang Yit Yoon
An argument is an exchange of ignorance, a discussion is an exchange of knowledge.
For KBSM *
Good morning/afternoon/night,this post i want to tell everyone in KBSM 2 that my feelings to KBSM * (if want to know the * is which class ask me face to face =P).This class is so LC!They thought them self so good, one of them say to me at facebook that I stupid. His name is 'A_EX'i don't wan to mention the name but i'm sure you know who izt.Then the second person that i hate in KBSM * is K_M_ _ _ _ Y. She/he always stare on me and never respect me.
KBSM * --- KBSM 1
A_EX --- ask me f to f
K_M_ _ _ _ Y ---ask me f to f
Post by,LoKumMoon
Friday, May 22, 2009
For Sofia Emily or otherwise known as Mafia. XD/Some KBSM 2 scenes.
Have a nice trip in the United States, remember arh, must date hot guys. LOL. And as Jessie said, celebrity signatures.Hehe. I want Eric Dane's and David Archuleta. HAHA. Before you come back after the three months, buy present for us, :). But for Yu Shan, up to you if you wanna by for him. Teehees. By the way, I am Michael here, blogging on behalf of some of them, who don't have a blog. See how kind...Perasannya. LOL.
Oh yea, on Thrusday, we had a freaking choral speaking in front of the whole school. It sucked like hell. EXCITING: NO, EMBARASSING: HELL, YEA!. We wasn't that perfect, and yet we need to go the choral spekaing. =.='. But anyway, the choir did better than us. BLEKK.
Now, the KBSM 2 scence. Have funn. On Friday, after the assembly, went back to class and did the production practice. Quite lame. =.=". As usual, Madam Pang gave us a lecture, normal for us. After the production, we have got Maths. Ratio, Ms Tee teaching. I know how to do because, my maths tuition teach me already. Hehe. After Maths, it was Sej, we copied notes, as usual. Then, Geography. This is the funny part. When Mr Lee came in, the board wasn't clean. He told us, 'Erase the board before I come in'. So Stanne went and rub the board. So while he was waiting outside, Emily took a picture of him.

Then, later, after break, it was our science class. We did science for a while, and then, we did our production. After a whille, you know KBSM 2, we all makes noise. HAHAS. Then, Madam Pang suddenly said, 'You all laugh like HOHOHOHOHO.' She acted like a santa claus. Then, we laughed non-stop. I mean, you should have seen her face!!!Her facial expression. LOL.By the way, Sofia E, you can think of us when you are bored in US. Our KBSM 2 scences.
Nothing much to blog about.
Michael Loo
1.37 pm
Saturday(23 May 2009)
Dedicated to Sofia Emily.
Hello sunshine :)
Girls :
- Inbba Ravi
- Pui Teng
- Vaanawi Raj
- Pearlly
- Sofia Emily
- Sofia Loh
- Emily
- Jessie
- Wen Di
- Ming Wey
- Nicole
- Han Qi
Boys :
- Sri Ram
- Collin
- Stanne
- Davin
- Yu Shan
- Min Han
- Wesley
- Michael Loo
- Ryan
- Kevin
- Kum Moon
We may be mischievous and really cheeky, but you can always rely on us. The teachers may hate us for all they want but we'll never give up. We come from all types of sizes, shapes, appearance and behaviours. This make us different from any other people.