Monday, May 25, 2009


Thanks Pearlly for accompanying me the whole lunch break today. And yes, I was serious about dancing in public. Lol. Harry was like standing there, starring at you waiting for the show to start. Hahaha. He's so cute, lol. Yeah, it's pretty boring without Sofia Emily. Hahaha. Oh well, "3 months" will pass very quick eh, Sofia E.? Haha.

KBSM 2(2009) PEOPLE!!!!!!!! BLOG HERE MAN. WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS?! MICHAEL! I THOUGHT YOU GOT A LOT OF GRANDMOTHER STORIES TO TELL???? Today English lesson was fun right, Michael? Hahaha. We didn't complete our work because we were busy laughing and talking about Night At The Museum 2. Whacky cool, lol.

Gossshhhh. I am so fricking bored man. Grey's Anatomy season 5 has finished filming!!! :( I need to wait for a month more for season 6 to come out. Goshhhhhh. I can die within that 1 month. Gosssshhhhh. GREY'S ANATOMYYYYYYY IS LOVE <33


Jessie Foo :)
25 May 2009(Monday)

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